Where do I get the dev-values.yaml for a dev environment

I am currently trying to set up a development instance of the ntp pool on a VPS. I have already installed kubernetes and helm, and I found this command here:

helm -n ntpdev install --wait ntppool -f dev-values.yaml ntppool/ntppool

However, in none of the repositories did I encounter a config file named “dev-values.yaml”. Simply copying the “values.yaml” from the ntppool chart did not work, neither did the addition of Maxmind GeoIP secrets as suggested in this discourse post.

Where could I get this file or if I have to write it myself, what do I have to put in there?

Currently, when I try to run the command above, I get the following error:

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: template: ntppool/charts/geoip/templates/deployment.yaml:59:26: executing "ntppool/charts/geoip/templates/deployment.yaml" at <.Values.geoipupdate.config_script>: can't evaluate field config_script in type interface {}