Could you guys monitor the offset of my ntp server

As stated in my response to one of your previous posts, a phone is not a server. The rules say: For joining the pool “Your computer must have a static IP address and a permanent internet connection.” A phone usually does not provide either of those.

And as per definition in RFC 2119:
MUST - This word, or the terms “REQUIRED” or “SHALL”, mean that the definition is an absolute requirement of the specification.

Further the rules for joining say: “Finally, I must emphasize that joining the pool is a long term commitment. We are happy to take you out of the pool again if your circumstances change, but because of how the ntp clients operate it will take weeks, months or even YEARS before the traffic completely goes away.

If your phone gets accepted into the pool and the IP is served as a reliable time source to numerous clients, they will likely stick with it. For many clients this means until they are rebooted or power cycled. So they then will ask an IP address which no longer provides them the service it once promised.
The users on the receiving end of the pool rely on the servers being stable and being there for a looong time. The quality of the pool relies on stable and long term committed servers.

But changing IP addresses do not only do harm to the pool, but also to unrelated third parties. Because this IP address will receive ntp requests for a really long time, even when your phone has switched IP addresses multiple times in between. This then might fall back on the ntp pool.

So ntp pool users do not get the service they were once promised, unrelated third parties get unsolicited traffic they do not asked for and the pool will be blamed for it. That’s not a win for our ntp clients, that’s not a win for the third parties and that’s definitely not a win for the pool.

Your zeal and enthusiasm is very welcome, but it would be more favourable to make sure that the right tools are used.

How about using your phone as one of several time sources for a server and than this server - with a real static IP - is added to the pool?

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