Monitors -100 to one of my servers?


Fairly new operator to the pool - decided to use some spare capacity of both resource and time to contribute to some projects - I’ve added a couple of servers and thus far all seems to be functioning as intended. However one of the servers has several monitors that permanently fail:

The connectivity to this particular one is not provided by the same provider as the other servers I’ve added.

I suspect this provider is doing some GeoIP blocking - though really given the nature of this line they should not be doing so. I don’t want to know the Ips of the monitors (I know from reading previous threads that’s not a question one should ask), but would quite like to know their approximate country locations so I can set some servers up in those areas myself if possible to run some tests, figure out where things are going wrong, and correct the issue.

I know its not impacting the servers score given they are in “testing”, but I’d like 20s across the board if possible :blush:

Hi dwh,

Welcome to the pool.
Actually you can deduce the coutry the monitor is in from the first two letters of its name:
inblr1 - India (Bangalore)
krinc1 - Korea (???)
ausyd2 - Australia (Sydney)


That makes sense.

So the others monitors listed are United States, Poland, Netherhands, Finland and Germany.

Something to investigate.

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For the record, the monitors are named “country code” - “nearest airport code”, e.g. kricn refers to Incheon International Airport in South Korea.