Debugging a single monitor


I’ve recently started running a pool server and have a single monitor (inblr1-1a6a7hp) where I continually have a low score. I understand from other posts that monitor IPs are not generally shared, however without an IP for it it’s challenging to even begin to debug. Any recommendations on how to debug a single angry monitor?

Thank you

Maybe it is just the connection between India and your server not working fine. The India monitor also complains about my server with >50ms offset, but since it did not affect my score, I am not motivated to debug it.

That monitor is consistently poor for many of my servers. Given mine are in the UK and Europe zones, I choose to ignore it.

Its not even scoring low on mine, just very high offset.

The “debug” in this case needs to be undertaken by the proprietors of that monitor. As others have noted, it is nearly always askew from the verdicts of other monitors, and has disappeared for days at a time. I gather that there are persistent network issues.

Don’t forget that servers under “testing” are not counted in. Only the “active” ones.

Yeah, the system is designed to manage as long as a reasonable number of monitors have good connectivity to a server (with the assumption that clients network-wide close to the server will then also have a good experience).