Beta - Manager servers - Monitors - Gone since

syslog shows no errors

# systemctl status ntppool-monitor
● ntppool-monitor.service - NTP Pool Monitor ()
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ntppool-monitor.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-06-27 18:09:43 CEST; 10min ago
   Main PID: 220704 (ntppool-monitor)
      Tasks: 6 (limit: 973)
     CGroup: /system.slice/ntppool-monitor.service
             └─220704 /usr/bin/ntppool-monitor --config /etc/ntpmon/ monitor

Jun 27 18:19:23 pia ntppool-monitor[220704]: 2022/06/27 18:19:23 Failure for "" "2001:67c:2e8:14:ffff::229": offset too large: -9.382>
Jun 27 18:19:23 pia ntppool-monitor[220704]: 2022/06/27 18:19:23 Failure for "" "2001:440:1880:1000::20": offset too large: -10.80754>
Jun 27 18:19:24 pia ntppool-monitor[220704]: 2022/06/27 18:19:24 Failure for "" "2620:149:a1a:3000::1f2": offset too la>
Jun 27 18:19:24 pia ntppool-monitor[220704]: 2022/06/27 18:19:24 Failure for "" "2403:300:a0c:3000::1f2": offset too la>
Jun 27 18:19:24 pia ntppool-monitor[220704]: 2022/06/27 18:19:24 Failure for "" "2001:ce8:78::2": offset too large: -30.581347ms
Jun 27 18:19:26 pia ntppool-monitor[220704]: 2022/06/27 18:19:26 Failure for "" "2a01:b740:a04:4000::1f2": offset too l>
Jun 27 18:19:27 pia ntppool-monitor[220704]: 2022/06/27 18:19:27 Failure for "" "2610:20:6f97:97::4": offset too large: -10.794598ms
Jun 27 18:19:35 pia ntppool-monitor[220704]: 2022/06/27 18:19:35 Failure for "" "2607:f140:ffff:8000:0:8006:0:a": read udp [>
Jun 27 18:19:35 pia ntppool-monitor[220704]: 2022/06/27 18:19:35 failures: 8, threshold: 4, hosts: 9
Jun 27 18:19:35 pia ntppool-monitor[220704]: 2022/06/27 18:19:35 Local clock might not be okay, waiting 2m0s

ntppool-monitor process is still running

restarting the services → ‘active’ temporary and becomes ‘Last seen’ very soon

any ideas?

Have you ever updated the monitor via apt?

Look in the monitor-page, does it state this: Agent version: v3.0.2-69

If it’s older, you might want to upgrade it.

Yep latest version and I even used a fresh pair of API keys, but I’m “gone” again.

Everything seems so work well, but it is odd.

What’s the status of the ntpd peers or chrony sources? When the monitor runs it tries some “well known” servers and if too many of those have a too large offset the monitor basically waits and doesn’t do any work until it’s better. From the log you posted it looks like that might be happening.

ntp peer… like none.

Chrony is my server, but using htpdate as the ‘ntp client’. Accuracy will be around 10 to 15ms… that explains the ‘gone’. Should I retract from this beta?