I am not sure I fully understand, but if you run your own NTP server(s), and it is/they are currently not in the pool, but only used by your own customers, maybe adding it/them to the NTP pool would add the capacity that is needed to help the zone recover.
But not sure I understood correctly, or how much capacity you could add to the NTP pool, and that would obviously add a lot of clients to your servers that are not your customers, which may or may not be ok.
Not sure how big you are, i.e., what would happen the other way round, as you seem to suggest, when your clients no longer connect to the NTP pool, but to your own servers only? Could that free enough resources on the NTP pool for it to recover?
And if someone has access to a datacenter with compute and bandwidth capacity, it might also help to add servers there. They might not be stratum 1, but right now, the critical issue is capacity in the zone, not accuracy. If there is enough capacity added, that would also help smaller servers to join, and slowly increase the overall capacity that way. (Which is what my patch proposal is supposed to help with as well.)
But there’s obviously a lot of "if"s in there, i.e., not sure this can be pulled off without common coordination, like was done for the China zone some time ago.
And you are responsible towards your customers, obviously, so directing them to your servers instead of the pool might be the way to go if the NTP pool doesn’t work anymore. And there’s also voices in this forum that say that (commercial) organizations responsible for a large number of clients should indeed run their own servers instead of tapping into the NTP pool with its often volunteer-run servers.