driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
restrict default limited kod nomodify notrap nopeer
restrict -6 default limited kod nomodify notrap nopeer
restrict source noquery
# No limits for local monitoring
restrict -6 ::1
server iburst
Version ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Tue Apr 26 08:01:21 UTC 2022 (3)
run /usr/sbin/ntpd -d -D 10 -g -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -n -c /etc/ntpd.conf
when server is reachable it can not to sync
debug code found it not print below log:
peer_refresh_interface: -> mode 3 vers 4 poll 6 10 flags 0x101 0x1 ttl 0 key 00000000: new interface:
10 Apr 15:21:33 ntpd[25326]: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver
Any advice is very Good
15 Apr 15:17:29 ntpd[10397]: select(): nfound=-1, error: Interrupted system call
routing message op = 16: scheduling interface update
routing message op = 16: scheduling interface update
alarming: normal
15 Apr 15:17:30 ntpd[10397]: select(): nfound=-1, error: Interrupted system call
routing message op = 16: scheduling interface update
routing message op = 16: scheduling interface update
alarming: normal
15 Apr 15:17:31 ntpd[10397]: select(): nfound=-1, error: Interrupted system call
Finding interface for addr in list of addresses
findlocalinterface: kernel maps to
Searching for addr in list of addresses - FOUND
Found interface #3 eth0 for address ——> !!!!!HERE HAVE DETECTED SERVER CAN REACH, BUT NOT TO SYNC TIME
poll_update: at 267 poll 6 burst 0 retry 1 head 0 early 2 next 67
routing message op = 16: scheduling interface update
routing message op = 16: scheduling interface update
alarming: normal
15 Apr 15:17:32 ntpd[10397]: select(): nfound=-1, error: Interrupted system call
routing message op = 16: scheduling interface update
routing message op = 16: scheduling interface update
alarming: normal
15 Apr 15:17:33 ntpd[10397]: select(): nfound=-1, error: Interrupted system call
routing message op = 16: scheduling interface update
routing message op = 16: scheduling interface update
alarming: normal
15 Apr 15:17:34 ntpd[10397]: select(): nfound=-1, error: Interrupted system call
routing message op = 16: scheduling interface update
routing message op = 16: scheduling interface update
interface_interval:10, interface_timer:9, current_time:8
current_time always bigger than interface_times, so nerver reach interface_update
Well, I would overcomplcate the config files and add something like the following.
notional include
keys /var/lib/ntp/ntp.keys
trustedkey 100 101…249
controlkey 100
tos minclock 1 minsane 1
And of course a shared ntp.keys file.
This should allow you to (dumbly) run with only one clock. (Normaly 3 iirc) this is not ptp. Also, you could use a appropriate tool authed by controlkey to reconfigure without restarting the daemon.
There are many more useful options in the documentation.
thank you very much , i will try