Newbie question regarding zone assignments and the beta site

Hi @zeroav

Yes, I believe that’s the case.

As a volunteer admin with limited permissions, I saw your email come through, but following the outage I couldn’t get into the management system… nor get any response from @ask :man_facepalming:.

The DNS issues seem to have fixed themselves now so I’ll update your zone settings shortly.

Maybe this is as good a place as any to say… as far as I can tell @ask is the only person with full admin permissions to the pool and probably the only one with physical access to the main servers, so I wouldn’t connect anything mission critical to the pool!

Yes, I’ve tried to raise the issue in private over many months, but I never get a reply from @ask. It doesn’t take my 30+ years of (Project) Management to tell me that having an uncontactable single point of failure on a live system isn’t a good thing…!

I don’t have the coding skills nor the desire to have full admin permissions and I don’t live in the US so I couldn’t have physical access to the servers either, but I think it’s right to point out what I see as a Major Risk to pool users (and maybe those who’ve added their servers to the pool if the DNS system were to stop updating and traffic was continuously directed to their server). :warning: :stop_sign:

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