The NTP pool is pre-eminently a service that should support both protocols for a long time to come. So let’s focus on adding those AAAA-records while keeping the A’s.
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I think we may debate on that but it is not important here. (I think everybody’s work, big tech’s, ISP’s, infrastructure providers [root&tld DNS, NTPpool], and so on.)
The main point is, that the IPv6 was invented in replacement of and not in addition to the IPv4 protocol. The start point is IPv4 only Internet (one side of the hill), the end point (goal: the other side of the hill) is the IPv6 only Internet. Everybody must be clear with the objective, see clearly the goal and move towards it, as it is possible.
Good enough starting point. As I mentioned, I was exaggerating.
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Funny from somebody that never posts.
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